Loadstar 61
puzzle page 61
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Commodore BASIC
243 lines
1 poke55,0:poke56,128:clr
2 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:printchr$(147)chr$(14)chr$(8);
5 poke53272,29
6 dim m$(8),r$(4):f=0:ff=0
7 fori=1to4:readr$(i):next
8 data "[210]ead it ","[210]un it ","[195]redits "
9 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
10 fori=1to7:readm$(i):next
11 data "[195]rossword [201] "
12 data "[195]rossword [201][201] "
13 data "[195]ross [212]otal "
14 data "[204]ogic [208]roblem "
15 data "[195]ross [195]alc "
16 data "[200]opscotch "
18 data "[204]oadstar "
20 tp$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
22 md$="[221][155] [146][221]"
23 ln$="[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
24 bt$="[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
25 goto30
26 print"[147]"tp$;
27 fori=1to23:printmd$;:next:printbt$:poke2023,125:poke56295,1
28 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:return
30 gosub26
32 print"[221][156] [191][191][191] [212]he [208]uzzle [208]age [191][191][191] [146][221]";
34 println$;
60 poke214,21:print
65 println$;
70 print"[221][154] [213]se cursor keys/[210][197][212][213][210][206] to select [146][221]";
80 gosub28
100 print"";
102 printtab(7)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
104 qq$="[221] [221]"
105 fori=1to9:print""qq$:next
106 printtab(7)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
107 poke214,5:print
109 fori=1to7:printtab(9)""m$(i):next
145 sys52496,0,0,24,39,43008,1,0,0
146 poke198,0
150 r=5:m=1:poke214,r:print:printtab(9)"[154]"m$(m):m1=m:r1=r
155 getk$:ifk$=""then155
160 ifk$=chr$(13)then200
165 ifk$="[145]"thenm=m-1:r=r-1:ifm<1thenm=7:r=11
170 ifk$=""thenm=m+1:r=r+1:ifm>7thenm=1:r=5
175 ifm<>m1thenpoke214,r1:print:printtab(9)""m$(m1)
180 poke214,r:print:printtab(9)"[154]"m$(m)
182 m1=m:r1=r
185 goto155
190 :
200 ifm=7then11000:remreturnls
220 poke214,10:print
225 printtab(13)"[153][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
227 q1$="[221] [221]"
229 fori=1to6:printq1$:next
230 printtab(13)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
232 poke214,12:print
234 fori=1to4:printtab(15)""r$(i):next
280 r2=12:m2=1:poke214,r2:print:printtab(15)"[154]"r$(m2):m1=m2:r1=r2
285 getk$:ifk$=""then285
290 ifk$=chr$(13)then400
295 ifk$="[145]"thenm2=m2-1:r2=r2-1:ifm2<1thenm2=4:r2=15
300 ifk$=""thenm2=m2+1:r2=r2+1:ifm2>4thenm2=1:r2=12
305 ifm2<>m1thenpoke214,r1:print:printtab(15)"[153]"r$(m1)
310 poke214,r2:print:printtab(15)"[154]"r$(m2)
315 m1=m2:r1=r2
320 goto285
325 :
400 ifm2=4thensys52496,0,0,24,39,43008,8,0,0:gosub28:goto150:rem main menu
401 :
402 ifm2=3then500:rem credits
403 ifm2=1then600:rem instr
410 ifm2=2andm=1then700
411 ifm2=2andm=2then700
412 ifm2=2andm=3then700
413 ifm=4thenf$="travel2048"
414 ifm=5thenf$="xcalc2048"
415 ifm=6thenf$="hop2048"
422 gosub9600
423 ifff<>2thensys57812"cleveland",8,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
424 ff=2
425 poke147,0:sys57812f$,8,1:sys62631
430 poke53272,31:sys2048
435 sys52496,0,0,24,39,43008,8,0,0:gosub28:poke53272,29:goto150
440 :
500 ifm=1thencr$="[201]ke [205]iller"
505 ifm=2thencr$="[201]ke [205]iller"
510 ifm=3thencr$="[194]arbara [200]. [211]chulak"
512 ifm=4thencr$="[194]arbara [200]. [211]chulak"
515 ifm=5thencr$=" [198]ender [212]ucker"
516 ifm=6thencr$="[194]arbara [200]. [211]chulak"
520 sys52496,0,0,24,39,40960,1,0,0
525 poke214,16:print:printtab(5)"[159][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
527 printtab(5)"[221] [208]uzzle(s) [194]y [221]"
530 printtab(5)qq$
535 printtab(5)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
540 poke214,18:print:printtab(17-len(cr$)/2)""cr$
544 t=1
545 getk$:ifk$<>""then550
546 t=t+1:ift<100then545
550 sys52496,0,0,24,39,40960,8,0,0:gosub28:goto285
555 :
600 sys52496,0,0,24,39,40960,1,0,0
605 onmgosub5000,5000,7000,9000,8000,6000
610 sys52496,0,0,24,39,40960,8,0,0:gosub28:goto280
625 :
700 gosub9600
714 ifm=1thenf$="cross1":f1$="xword2048"
716 ifm=2thenf$="cross2":f1$="xword2048"
720 ifm=3thenf$="xsums1a":f1$="xsums.ml"
721 x=len(f$):poke828,x+3
722 fori=1tox:poke831+i,asc(mid$(f$,i,1)):next
723 poke829,asc("@")
724 poke830,asc("0")
725 poke831,asc(":")
726 sys57812f$,8,0
727 poke780,0:poke781,o:poke782,128
728 sys65493
730 poke147,0:sys57812f1$,8,1:sys62631
732 ifff=1then750
735 sys57812"xsums.font",8,0
740 poke780,0:poke781,o:poke782,56
745 sys65493:ff=1
750 poke53272,31:sys2048
760 poke53272,29:sys52496,0,0,24,39,43008,8,0,0:gosub28:goto150
5000 gosub26
5005 print"[156] [195]rossword [208]uzzles [146][221]";
5010 println$;
5020 print"[155] [213]se the cursor keys to maneuver
5025 [153]" around the grid and press the keys
5030 print" to enter your solutions.
5040 [153]" (NULL)he definitions are displayed at
5045 print" the bottom of the screen and
5050 [153]" respresent the clues both across and
5055 print" down for the square that the cursor
5060 [153]" is on. atns you move the cursor, the
5065 print" clues will change to reflect your
5070 [153]" position on the grid.
5080 print" [193]ll controls are listed on the
5085 [153]" playing screen."
5110 [153]ln$;
5115 [153]"(NULL)cont (NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) wait(NULL)";
5125 [161]k$:[139]k$[179][177][199](13)[167]5125
5127 [142]
6000 [141]26
6005 [153]"(NULL)clr left$opscotch (NULL)uzzles wait(NULL)";
6010 [153]ln$;
6020 [153]"list (NULL)he object of these puzzles is to
6025 print" fill in the blanks of the five
6030 [153]" 10-letter words with the pairs of
6035 print" letters on the left of the screen.
6040 [153]" valach pair may be used only once.
6050 print" [213]se the cursor keys to move to an
6055 [153]" empty square in the words and then
6060 print" press the letter (or number) of the
6065 [153]" letter pair that you wish to move
6070 print" to that location. [195]onversely, you
6075 [153]" may move a letter pair back by
6080 print" pressing the letter (number) of an
6085 [153]" empty square.
6095 print" [208]ress [198]1 to return to the main
6100 [153]" menu and asc2 to see the solution.
6110 poke214,21:print:println$;
6115 print"[154] [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [146][221]";
6125 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then6125
6130 return
6135 :
7000 gosub26
7005 print"[156] [195]ross [212]otal [208]uzzles [146][221]";
7010 println$;
7020 print"[155] [195]ross [212]otal [208]uzzles are much like
7025 [153]" crossword puzzles except that you
7030 print" must fill in the squares using the
7035 [153]" numbers 1 - 9 so that they add up to
7040 print" the totals in the across and down
7045 [153]" boxes. (NULL)ou may only use each digit
7050 print" once in each 'word'.
7070 [153]" (NULL)he totals are displayed at the
7075 print" bottom of the screen and represent
7080 [153]" the clues for the square that your
7085 print" cursor is on. [193]s you move across
7090 [153]" the grid, the number total will
7095 print" change.
7102 [153]" atnll controls are on screen.
7110 poke214,21:print:println$;
7115 print"[154]